Friday, July 02, 2010

iphone 4 cake for Alex

My lovely friend Alex at work loves his gadgets same as me, we're often told we talk too much geek at work :o)
So I thought for his birthday I'd make him an iphone 3 cake. Alex then took 3 weeks off work and by then had got himself a shiny new iphone 4.
I sneakily managed to get him to send me a screen shot of his mobile so I could copy it exactly :o)
I was a bit rushed for time today and only had 3 hours sleep as was working on origami orders. I used rainbow dust edible pens to hand draw the icon my copy wasn't that great but it is my first attempt.

I didn't get time to line up the icon nicely and also didn't get chance to add the red band around the side. Alex like me is a lefty and has that "holding it in the wrong hand" problem and as listed on Lifehacker Alex has been using his Vodafone VIP bracelet

Also got Alex some little birthday gifts :o) A screen protector, a lovely papercraft iphone /ipod stand and my never fail gift for a bloke LEGO ! a lego spaceman keyring to be precise there were loads to choose from at LegoLand so decided to go old school :o)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Baking for School Fete

Had a busy morning and with the help of my husband made ....
48 mini cupcakes with butterflies, bees & ladybirds on
20 flower cookie lollies
ickle people biscuits
and a giant cupcake.

I think we made about £40 for the school :o)

and of course it rained.

I've taken photos with a proper camera hope to upload soon