After watching an episode of "Ace of Cakes" making a R2D2 cake I knew straight away that's what I wanted. I don't have the skills to make a full size, working R2D2 cake like Duff and his team but it didn't stop me having a go!
I went to my local cake suppliers and got some polystyrene cake dummies. I used a 6" round one for the bottom - I could have used cake but only had one 6" tin and didn't have time to bake a second cake. I also bought a 6" square one so I could cut it and make the legs.
I used a CAD program to draw out a rough shape for the legs.
For the dome I used the Wilton Sports Ball Pan, which is 6" round too.
I made a basic vanilla sponge and put some butter icing inside the dome.
Covered in white fondant and decorated using coloured fondant and used my cutters.
Some of the detailing is just random as just wanted a simple yet recognisable look
I took it to work and it was enjoyed by everyone :o)
For info on making your own Star Wars cake checkout -