Saturday, April 19, 2014

British Origami Society Spring Convention 2014


British Origami Society 
Spring Convention 2014


After years of being out of the loop with the BOS conventions due to working weekends, I'm finally back and it was great seeing all my lovely origami friends and making new friends :)



I was very rusty at teaching Tavin's Turtle, though everyone enjoyed the class :)  I specially designed some paper with different designs and I'll upload the PDF file later.

I got to do quite a few classes. My first class, I made some waterbomb earrings with my friend Erica Thomson which I'll be giving away as 1st prize in my blog prize.


I folded Mark Kennedy's star in Kathy's class. Kathy made some lovely brooches for everyone and I asked for one to give away as 2nd prize on this blog. The brooch is made from this lovely paper that looks like metal. it's about 1.5 inch in size.

** If you would like to win the earrings (1st prize) or the brooch (2nd prize) just add a comment, facebook or tweet me **

Competition ends 31st May 2014

I taught my class just after lunch and then I got to go to Assia Brill's Curlicue presentation and class.  I love the simplicity of the design nd how many designs and shapes you can make.

You can buy the book on Amazon


My last class at the convention was the paper making classs with Jonathan Korejko.  I made 3 sheets of A5 paper, my little boy also joined in and made some paper too. The green paper has feathers and bits in it, the purple paper has origami words and the white paper has threads.

You can find more information on Jonathan's classes here

I won a lovely ceramic crane in the silent auction 

The next British Origami Convention with be in Bradford on 5th to 7th September 2014, hope to see you there.

Finally, here are some photos I took of the exhibition area and please visit the British Origami website to see more photos.

Assia's Curlicue

Love this Rose Ball

Butterflies made from various wrappers and labels


Toilet Paper Origami


Erica's Jewellery  - you can buy online


Unknown said...

amazing work! <3

Anonymous said...

I'm quite tempted to join BOS. Lovely origami display. I love the Please Touch sign - it makes such a big difference when we could touch the paper and feel it. A lot of people don't let people touch their work and it could be a bit frustrating for the viewers. I haven't tried curlicue yet - such delicate designs. The patterned design for the turtle is beautiful!